Apex Legends will make a change regarding third-party kills on their matches, and hundreds of players are already sharing their opinions on the matter. Looks like Apex Legends’ developers decided to take action regarding this issue.
Apex Legends is a Free-to-Play Battle Royale title that has over 100 thousand players on its servers on weekdays, and when it comes to weekends it manages to gather over 250 thousand players. Making it one of the games on Steam with the most concurrent players on the platform. Like many Battle Royale games, many teams take advantage of already downed players and use them to get a couple of more points and improve their stats by finishing downed players.
Today, the Apex Legends subreddit shared a highlight from the Season 13: Saviors update that will fix one of the many issues that many players have been experiencing for a while now. Now players who execute downed teams that were left to their luck after barely defeating their enemies will not get kill credits for this easy strategy. Killing downed players left from a gunfight is one of the easiest ways to improve their K/D ratios and score at the end of the match.
Now players will have to earn their kills as they should, with this issue being fixed, now competitive players will have an easier time differentiating cheap points from earned kills. This will have an impact on the Apex Legends community; players who were getting high kill games by doing this will have to look for another cheesy way to get them or to engage in more fights as the match goes on.
The community’s reaction is somewhat split regarding this upcoming change; some players are glad they managed to solve this, while others do not care about the subject as they were never looking for those cheap kills. Currently, the post has over one thousand upvotes, and more players are interacting with it.
All in all, this fix will improve the state of the game and the players’ experience. Now players will not have to wonder if any of their opponent kills came from an unlucky downed player who crossed their path and made him earn a free kill.
Apex Legends is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch.
Published: May 9, 2022 08:50 pm