Nathan Camarillo the  Executive Producer for Crysis 2 recently gave a multiplayer tips and strategy session at the EA GDC event.  In the multiplayer strategy session Camarillo gave some nice tips for the stealthy Crysis 2 player.  One thing that Camarillo stressed to be a successful Crysis 2 player was using the abilities of the Nanosuit to their full potential.  Which means a steady stream of cloaking and recharging.  There’s also a balance that needs to be maintained when playing Crysis 2.  You must always be mindful of your energy meter.  So as awesome as it is to go running and jumping into the fray it’s not advisable to do so if just for the fact that it uses your energy very quickly.
The better way to do this is to measure out your strategies on the battlefield. Â Sprint between covers to conserve energy, and use the cloaking ability to get a read of the battlefield. Â Conserving energy will allow you to stay cloaked for longer periods thus allowing you to follow and isolate enemies instead of facing them head on. As any first person shooter fan knows, running in packs usually works best. Â Buddy up with a player and most of the time at worst your gonna go 1-1. Â At best you get your enemy by surprise and go 0-1.
What’s absolutely pertinent in Crysis 2 is picking up dog tags. Â These dog tags will allow you to call in the rewards, like radar and orbital strike. Â And speaking of orbital strike, Camarillo noted that you don’t want to waste these, and by checking your map for nearby enemies before dropping one, you won’t.
Another overlooked feature in Crysis 2 is the visor functionality. Â Did you know that you can mark enemies on the map while enabline the visor features. Â Furthermore, you earn points for assisting your teammates if they kill an enemy that you have marked.
Now take these tips from the developer and hop online with your Crysis 2 Demo either on PC or Xbox 360 and you should be somewhat more prepared for battle. Crysis 2 is getting set to release on March 22nd 2011 in North America.
Source: Gamespot
Published: Mar 2, 2011 07:00 am