Problems have arisen with IO Interactive’s new Hitman game recently, specifically with saves being made offline rather than online. Saves made offline are not currently compatible with those that are made online, and the developer has revealed that that will not be changing.
A spokesperson for the developer recently spoke with Eurogamer regarding the issue, saying that “When we announced Hitman, we explained to fans and to gamers everywhere how we are creating a live game. This is a constantly evolving, living world of assassination, that will grow alongside the community with frequent content updates in between the launch of each location.”
He finishes by saying that “It is possible to enjoy the locations offline, but in order to ensure player-progress of the live content is correct and up to date, the save states for online and offline are kept separate.”
This has been a problem for those who lose their internet connection while playing the game, as you need to remain online at all times for your saves to sync.
Published: Mar 25, 2016 08:38 am