After some concept art leaked of a possible Gravity Rush/Journey cross-over stage, fans of Sony’s Play Station Battle Royale All-Stars had their hopes up that there would be more post-launch content. It didn’t help that Sony Santa Monica gave the nondescript “No plans” and “we’re not talking about that right now” when confronted. Sadly, that was all crushed today in an official forum thread. According to Sony Santa Monica Studios:
“–There will not be any new DLC characters or environments released for [Play Station Battle Royale All Stars]. We were proud to work with SuperBot Entertainment and they created a great game, but the characters that have already been released to-date represent the full content for PS All Stars.
— In the course of any game’s development, there are always elements that never quite get finished or the team decides not to use in the final game. Some of these additional materials from the game’s development phase have been recently released, but unfortunately these are very far from finished assets and were not included in the final game for a number of production and legal reasons.”
However, Santa Monica also had some “good news going forward” as well:
“– Balance Patch: This is still in the early stages of research and development. Even if everything goes smoothly with the development and implementation, the patch will not be finished until later this fall. In particular, we’re assessing all character strengths, weaknesses, and functionality for adjustment considerations in this patch. We have been monitoring your feedback in the forums, and will continue to follow your thoughts throughout the process.
— We have a third set of costumes for Dante, Raiden, Heihachi, and Big Daddy that were only exclusively available as pre-order bonuses in the US. While the other pre-order costumes were eventually available for sale through the PlayStation Store, these last four costumes were never released. We are going to release these four costumes on PSN as a completely free digital download to everyone on August 27. We’ll keep you informed as the date approaches.
— Zeus + Isaac’s third costumes will also be made available free. This will require some back-end work, and so these two costumes will go live with the balance patch release later this fall. When they are released, these costumes will also be free for everyone to download from the PlayStation Store.
— Monthly Tournament Leaderboard Resets: We are aggressively looking into the issue of title belts not being correctly appropriated to some people based on their seasonal performance. We do not have a fix at this time, but will keep you posted on our progress. In the interim, starting today, we are resetting the overall leaderboards, and will continue this on a monthly basis. Monthly seasons are back! Along with this effort we are going to establish a set of community activities that will be communicated on the official All-Stars forums, designed to recognize the top monthly competitors.”
While this comes as sad news, it is not altogether unexpected as Sony cut ties with Super Bot, the creators of the game, and VGChartz has the game sales as .53 million on the PS3 and .18 million for the Play Station Vita.
Published: Aug 4, 2013 08:35 pm