Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers debuted all the way back in 1993 and became a worldwide phenomenon that captured the attention of kids all over the world. The TV series is still ongoing, with the latest iteration titled Power Rangers Dino Charge, but the series itself is receiving a reboot on the big screen and the casting has been completed for the core rangers.
The casting news started back earlier this month with the reveal of the Pink Ranger, and over the last few weeks the other four spots started to be filled, with the Yellow Ranger casting finally being announced yesterday.
The cast includes a group of relative newcomers, with the Yellow Ranger actually being the most well known for his ongoing pop music career. The very diverse team will be made up of the Red Ranger (Dacre Montgomery), Pink Ranger (Naomi Scott), Blue Ranger (R.J. Cyler), Black Ranger (Ludi Lin), and the Yellow Ranger (Becky Gomez).
The announcements have been relatively mysterious, as they have only said their ranger color, but not their names. The thought was that this would be a reboot with these characters being Jason, Kimberly, Billy, Zack, and Trini, but numerous reports from Collider have been coming out of the last month or so that were to the contrary.
These stated that the movie would be in continuity with the series, even including the Dino Charge rangers at the beginning, and that it would only have a budget of $30 million. Luckily, not only did Saban Brands tell sources the movie would be based on the classic characters, which basically discounted any of these reports, but the official Power Rangers Twitter sent this out.
IT’S MORPHIN TIME, Jason, Kimberly, Zack, Billy & Trini! #PowerRangersMovie, coming 2017!
One has to wonder if this was especially tweeted out in response to these completely wrong reports, especially with the same person reporting that the TV series is moving to Netflix in 2017. The one thing this does prove is that we just need to wait on official announcements for this movie, rather than go off of random reports with this one.
Hopefully we’ll get some other casting in the near future, with villains bound to be cast. Based on what one would think, you’d think Rita Repulsa and Goldar could be villains in this, so I wouldn’t be surprised to hear news on them soon.
Published: Oct 31, 2015 3:00 PM UTC