PlayStation 4 owners are widely reporting a new error that could cause serious problems on the console. Â A lengthy post on the PlayStation Forums sees complaints stemming from Error CE-34878-0. Â This error could erase game data from the PS4 HDD, possibly making them unplayable, or worse yet, brick your PS4 altogether.
Right now, Sony doesn’t know exactly what the root of these problem is and are “currently investigating”, but they have addressed PS4 owners with possible solutions on what to do if you get an Error CE-34878-0 message.
The advise users to close the application that has gotten the error message and then install the latest system software, as well as the most recent game update. Â After restarting the system, if the error comes up again, they advise to back-up saved data, and the re-initialize the console via the settings menu.
PlayStation 4 owners have been reporting these error messages as far back as December. Â A long running post on the Sony support forums has numerous complaints of save corruption, but the big issues here is that the problem is beginning to pick up steam and apparently become more widespread.
There’s no clear solution to the problem as of yet, but the possibility of rendering your PS4 useless is something you may want to avoid if you can until Sony figures out what the problem is.
Published: Jan 23, 2014 05:12 am