Many developers are being lured away from PC and Mobile platforms in favor of the PS4 and Xbox One according to the 2014 Toolbox Report from UK gaming industry group TIGA. While interest in PC and Mobile remain high among the developers surveyed, there were many who planned to drop projects on the platforms. This is in contrast to the high number of developers planning to begin work on games for PS4 and Xbox One.
Microsoft and Sony have invested heavily in engaging developers…this investment seems to be paying off
As reported on by MCV, iOS platforms still led the pack in terms of number of projects being developed. 73% of developers had a game in development for the iPhone and 72% had one coming for the iPad. Meanwhile the PC was spotlighted as a key platform for development by 63% of developers. However, 15% of those surveyed said that they expected to drop work on PC titles some time soon, and around 8% expected to abandon both iOS platforms.
The assumption seems to be that these drops are related to the high interest being seen in both new consoles. 52% of developers planned to begin work on a game for Xbox One in the near future, and 48% had similar plans for the PS4. This jump in interest likely has multiple causes, including the growing install base of both platforms.
The CEO of TIGA, Dr. Richard Wilson, commented on the report by saying:
“Both Microsoft and Sony have invested heavily in engaging developers, especially indies, to make games for their platforms. This investment seems to be paying off.
“It’s also interesting to note that a smaller proportion of developers plan to develop games on the iPad and iPhone in the future. This is probably due to the congested marketplace developers face given the popularity of Apple’s platform, and the challenges for discoverability this brings.
It seems understandable that the congested marketplace seen on the App Store and Steam might be turning away a few developers. Meanwhile, the PS4 and Xbox One having recently launched means fewer games to draw your audience away. Some of the new systems’ success stories include Resogun, Road Not Taken, and Outlast. These games could have been easily overlooked if launched into a more competitive market, but being featured so highly on PS4 and Xbox One allowed them to reach a much broader audience.
Published: Aug 28, 2014 08:29 am