It’s a big day for Titanfall fans with the second expansion pack, Titanfall: Frontier’s Edge, a new update, and new achievements hitting all at the same time. We previously went over what was included in both Titanfall: Frontier’s Edge and Titanfall Update 5, but to sum up, Frontier’s Edge gives you three all-new maps, and Update 5 adds in a new Burn Card and Insignia marketplace as well as Daily Challenges.
Along with the new maps in Titanfall: Frontier’s Edge come achievements. These are exclusive to the Xbox 360 and Xbox One versions of the game. All of them are specifically tailored for the DLC, so check out the list below:
- Haven Victor – Win A Single Match On Haven
- Haven Connoisseur – Play Every Game Mode On Haven
- Executioner –Â Execute 2 Titans In A Single Match On Haven
- Overkill –Â Kill 15 Titans While You Have A Titan Burn Card Active On Haven
- Export Victor –Â Win A Single Match On Export
- Export Connoisseur –Â Play Every Game Mode On Export
- It’s A Trap! – Kill An Enemy With The Trap On Export
- Hidden Export –Â Kill 25 Enemies While Cloaked In Export
- Dig Site Victor –Â Win A Single Match On Dig Site
- Dig Site Connoisseur –Â Play Every Game Mode On Dig Site
- Dirt Nap –Â Kill 12 Pilots In A Single Match On Dig Site
- Gravesite –Â Kill 50 Pilots In Dig Site
On top of the big changes made with Titanfall Update 5 come the usual round of bug fixes. The list of those is below:
Bug Fixes (All Platforms)
- Fixed Titan decal unlocks showing up repeatedly.
- Removed pre-lobby after selecting a game mode, now you will be taken directly to the game lobby.
- Made wi-fi hacking count towards Spectre leeching for stats / challenges / insignias.
- Fixed an issue where you could earn enough XP that it would appear to wrap around and reset your level.
- Nuclear Eject: fixed a rare bug where an invincible Titan would be left roaming around the level because the player died upon ejecting.
- Lots of yummy bandwidth optimizations as well as various delicious framerate optimizations have been lovingly hand-crafted and squeezed into the game.
- Fixed not being able to shoot at the Titan you are rodeoing when the Titan backs up against a wall and looks upwards.
- Fixed many cases of incorrect or missing impact sounds from explosions including Arc Cannon fire and Cluster Rockets.
- Fixed a server issue when players used the Rematch burn card in areas where they would get stuck.
- Fixed a case of getting a double lock-on with the Archer.
- Fixed an annoying case of the party chat icon not appearing.
- Fixed a case where parties could be split up.
- Fixed text overlap on controller layout menu.
- Fixed some kills/events not counting towards progress on challenges, achievements, or decals.
- Capture The Flag: fixed being able to call in your Titan as the sides were being switched.
Bug Fixes (PC)
- Fix for 120/144hz monitors to use the desktop refresh rate for max fps when vsync is disabled or when in windowed mode.
- Fixed weapon fire rate being different when running > 60 fps.
- More robust multi-GPU support. Rejoice! That second GPU shall no longer sit idle.
Published: Jul 31, 2014 01:35 pm