Rainbow Six: Patriots has went quiet since its official reveal from 2011. This might be because Ubisoft has pushed the shooter back to release with next generation consoles like the Xbox 720 and PlayStation 4. In a recent interview with Polygon, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot reassured that they have a “good team” working on the game.
“It’s looking really good,” said Guillemot. “So when it will come, it will surprise the industry.” When asked whether or not Patriots will be a next-gen title, Guillemot said that “There’s a good chance it can be.”
The reveal of Rainbow Six: Patriots showed off a new threat called the “True Patriots”, led by a villain named “Treadway”. Facing an organized militia, the Rainbow 6 team will be forced to make difficult decisions in combating the threat.
Published: Nov 12, 2012 02:00 pm