After sinking some time into Destiny we figured what better way than to share some knowledge, be it obvious, or otherwise with our readers. So here are some quick tips to being a Guardian in Destiny.
For quick experience gain, Crucible can be the way to go as it garners much more and shorter than most missions, but the loot will not compare to what can be found in the story or other modes.If Crucible is not your cup-o-tea than maybe grabbing a few buddies and slogging through the campaign is best. If you manage to dive deep with friends into the story and continuously do the missions without breaks for strikes or crucible you will gain levels rather quickly.
Complete Bounties. These things are dime a dozen in the early game and if you are feeling up for it, a few of them are related to completing strikes which also garner extra rewards like bonus XP or armor/weapon upgrades.
Don’t waste precious resources on paint or shaders early in the game. You would be better off throwing that money at the vendors for weapons or random pieces of equipment. After all, your not gonna wear your Level 4 helmet the entire time are you?
Choose the right weapon for you. If you feel comfortable shooting a pistol for high powered headshots, go ahead. If you feel good running around with a sniper or a pulse rifle that your business. There are a ton of various weapons in the game to add variety and creativity when creating a loadout and play styles.
Look everywhere. It may come as a bit obvious, but there are random loot boxes everywhere other than the Gold chests the map specifies. These are usually found in darkened areas and usually areas that are least traversed. The caves on the moon for instance are stacked with a few chests every load up.
Try them all & have fun. The great thing is that you are not limited to one class, if you want to log out and create a new character, your free to do so. The vault on the Tower stores your items for all your characters to use (as long as they aren’t class specific). So enjoy yourself, and find what works best for you and have fun doing it.
Destiny is available now on Playstation 3, Xbox 360, Playstation 4 and Xbox One.
Published: Sep 12, 2014 09:45 am