Power Rangers Super Megaforce recently returned from its summer hiatus with brand new episodes that are all leading up to the epic Legendary War at the end of the season with the return of many classic rangers. To coincide with the current season, Bandai-Namco is releasing a new game to pretty much no one’s surprise and we have now received a brand new trailer for the game from TGS.
After last year’s debacle with Power Rangers Megaforce for 3DS and its extremely repetitive gameplay, Power Rangers Super Megaforce is looking much better. However, we still do not get a ton of new gameplay in this video, with a good bit focused on actual clips from the show itself.
With 30 playable characters from over the years, thanks to the powers of the Super Megaforce rangers and their Legendary ranger keys, this should be built especially for those that have been fans over the years.
Not only do we see footage of the basic ranger combat in the game, but we also get a look at the zord battles as well. We also get a quick glimpse at the scanning implementation of the real life ranger keys to unlock things within the game itself.
Look for Power Rangers Super Megaforce to release exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS on October 28 and make sure to check out the trailer for yourself below.
Published: Sep 18, 2014 09:00 am