Star Citizen’s Community Manager Ben Lesnick has revealed the next update for Arena Commander is not far off.
In his weekly announcement, Lesnick confirmed that the team at Cloud Imperium Games are hard at work to get Arena Commander 1.0.1 ready and released. The patch will address many issues and bugs found by the community in the latest release of the aptly named “Dogfight Module”. Known bugs include the inability for many users to enter into private co-op Vanduul Swarm matches. Currently some private games are even made public allowing gamers from around the world to join at random. The team at CIG is presently standing by the statement regarding 1.0.1’s release that: “The hope is to have that later in the week.”
Lesnick also revealed that the team is also working on, “some longer-term design posts to go with the recent stretch goals, the first of which may be finished by Friday”. Naturally with the way CIG work he quickly added that due to the many summits the various teams were attending for the start of 2015 that Friday shouldn’t be taken as the exact release date, merely the planned date.
For the first time, using the new Persistent Test Universe, certain members of the Star Citizen community will be able to get their hands on the new release prior to the rest of the player base. The patch to Arena Commander 1.0.1 is the first to go through this new process; which aims to catch a few extra bugs before most players download the patch.
Published: Jan 14, 2015 04:54 pm