The ESRB has revealed its ratings summary for Battlefield Hardline, and it sounds like the game won’t be for the weak at heart.
Battlefield Hardline has been rated “M” for mature players over the age of 17. The content descriptors are: “Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language, Use of Drugs“.
The ratings summary for Battlefield Hardline reveals in more detail the graphic nature of the game. Even though you assume the role of police officer, Nick Mendoza, the criminals themselves can be very violent. There will be some cutscenes and other sequences with blood and other violent acts that happen.
You can read the full summary for Battlefield Hardline below:
“This is a first-person shooter in which players assume the role of Nick Mendoza, a police officer investigating a drug-trading ring. Players use a variety of firearms and tactical gear (e.g., pistols, shotguns, rifles, machine guns, grenades, tasers) to take down and/or kill enemies in frenetic combat. Several sequences require stealth tactics in which players take down enemies by using attacks such as chokeholds. Combat is highlighted by realistic gunfire, screams of pain, and blood-splatter effects. Cutscenes depict more intense acts of violence: a man shot in the head at close range; an unarmed character shot in the chest. In one sequence, a corpse is depicted with its legs chewed off. During the course of the game, a handful of enemies are depicted snorting cocaine or smoking marijuana; several missions involve destroying/infiltrating illegal drug operations (e.g., seizing packages of cocaine, destroying meth labs). The words “f**k” and “sh*t” appear in the dialogue.”
Battlefield Hardline will be out from March 17th and will be available for the PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS3 and Xbox 360 platforms.
Published: Jan 17, 2015 05:39 pm