The Dragon Ball series, specifically Dragon Ball Z, has been turned into more games than you can count over the years, with the most notable being Budokai and Budokai Tenkaichi. However, while those were the first to really hit it big in the US, there was a series of 2D fighters in Japan known as Dragon Ball Z: Butōden, which is now making its way to the Nintendo 3DS.
Bandai Namco Games has now revealed Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butōden that will be coming exclusively to the Nintendo 3DS this summer. The April issue of V Jump magazine has the full reveal, but Anime News Network has a few details, including that players will use “Ultimate Arts” finishing moves and that Bulma and Chi-Chi will be utilized as support characters.
While the name of the Butōden series itself may not sound familiar to many, there are a few games that Dragon Ball fans likely have heard of or possibly played in the past. These two that made their way to the US eventually were Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22 and Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout. These 2D fighters were very popular among the import crowd during the PlayStation era and even got fairly limited releases in the US later.
Published: Feb 17, 2015 12:00 pm