It has just been announced that a rising star will be joining the cast of Venom 3, the yet-to-be-officially-titled third installment of Sony’s Venom series. Juno Temple, who delivered a career-transforming performance in the Apple TV+ hit sports dramedy, Ted Lasso, will be starting alongside Tom Hardy in Venom 3. Here’s what we know about which Marvel hero (or villain) Juno Temple will portray in Venom 3.
Who Will Juno Temple be Playing in ‘Venom 3’?
At the moment, it’s unknown who Juno Temple will be playing in Venom 3. Both Sony nor Temple’s public relations representative have been tight-lipped about the details of Temple’s casting, with the initial announcement that she’d been cast stating that she is starring in the film alongside Tom Hardy, who portrays reporter-turned-vigilante and franchise protagonist Eddie Brock.
Temple’s involvement with Venom 3 was first hinted at yesterday, with it being reported that the actress had been offered a lead role in the film. While the details of Temple’s casting are currently unknown, the announcement that she’s secured a role in the film has confirmed the rumored negotiations.
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Temple, who has starred in several films and television series, recently became a household name through her performance as model-turned-CEO Keeley Jones in Ted Lasso. Over Ted Lasso’s nearly-three year run, Keeley has become one of the series’ most believed characters, thanks in no small part to Temple’s strong performance.
While it’s unknown who Temple will be playing in Venom 3, there’s a good chance that it could be a notable Marvel character. The post-credits scenes for both Spider-Man: No Way Home and Venom: Let There Be Carnage heavily-hinted that Venom 3 will be a crossover between Sony’s “Venomverse” and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With a crossover opening up countless possibilities for potential character introductions, Temple may bring a famous Marvel character to life for the first time on the silver screen.
Published: Apr 21, 2023 01:26 pm