Destiny 2: The Witch Queen’s new Throne World has three new Lost Sectors to discover. For these Lost Sectors, the recommended power level is 1510-1530. Here is your guide to the Lost Sectors in Destiny 2: The Witch Queen.
Destiny 2 Lost Sector Quagmire – Extraction
The Lost Section in Quagmire in the Throne World is called Extraction. The start of Extraction can be found just left of “The Ghosts” quest starts. Here are the steps you need to follow to complete the Extraction Lost Sector:
- Reveal the platforms and travel down and to the right into the cave.
- Descend deeper into the cave and kill the Scorn.
- Continue through the cave by going up and to the right.
- In the chamber with the Hive structure, kill all the Hive and Scorn.
- When all of the enemies are dispatched, examine the locked Hive door. Study the two Hive symbols.
- The first Hive symbol will be to the right of the door at ground level. Stand on it and defeat the wave of Scorn.
- The second Hive symbol will be to the left of the door at ground level. Stand in it and defeat the wave of Scorn.
- Enter the Hive structure and kill the Hive.
- Take down the Lucent Hive and get your Lost Section chest.
- To exit, continue forward past the chest and go to the right back to the start of the cave.
Destiny 2 Lost Sector Miasma – Metamorphosis
The Lost Sector in Miasma in the Throne World is called Metamorphosis. The start of it is found to the right of the first Miasma Region chest. Here are the steps you need to follow in order to complete the Metamorphosis Lost Sector:
- Enter the cave and travel down.
- Clear out the Scorn and continue. You’ll see that all the Scorn are fighting a Revenant Knight that is Immortal.
- Break the three crystals to kill the Revenant Knight.
- Push forward through the cave by shooting the rocks out of your way.
- Clear out the Scorn and discover the Revenant Knight.
- Break the three crystals and kill the Knight.
- Shoot the rocks blocking your way and jump down.
- Now, the Scorn are the Immortal ones.
- Break the three crystals to kill the elite Scorn. Be careful, the crystals will respawn after a few seconds, so you have a limited window to deal damage to the elite Scorn.
- After defeating the elite Scorn, grab your treasure and use the gravity cannon to make it back to the entrance.
Destiny 2 Lost Sector Florescent Canal – Sepulcher
The Lost Sector in Florescent Canal in the Throne World is called Sepulcher. To find it, head to the center of the area and hop down to see the entrance. Here are the steps you need to follow to complete the Sepulcher Lost Sector:
- Enter the Hive tomb, follow the river, and continue down.
- Interrupt the Hive’s worship and take them out.
- Continue to the next room and kill the two Wizards.
- After clearing the Hive, a Lucent Hive Knight will appear. Kill it and the door forward will open.
- Upon entering the long chamber, two Orges and a Lightbearer Acolyte will greet you.
- After finishing them, take the cobwebbed corridor at the end of that hall.
- In the final room, you’ll need to fight a swarm of Hive and a giant Hive Knight boss.
- When you’ve killed them all, grab the chest and take the corridor on the left to head back to the entrance.
Upon completing all three Lost Sectors in the Throne World, you will get the Lost Worlds achievement. For more, be sure to check out our Destiny 2: The Witch Queen guides on quests, chests, and more.
Destiny 2: The Witch Queen is available now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X and Series S, Xbox One, Google Stadia, and PC.
Published: Feb 23, 2022 7:38 PM UTC