Greetings RPG players all around, today we are taking a look at Nobody Saves the World, a quirky adventure from Drinkbox Studios, known for Guacamelee among other titles. This title has been a joy to play, notable for accessibility and reasonable replay value if a bit of a grind at times with the structure for how you can level up your shapeshifting forms. But how much grinding should you expect, or rather how long is Nobody Saves the World? Read more to find out!
Nobody Saves the World: How Long Does It Take to Beat?
The short answer is that you can reasonably expect to take 12-14 hours to beat the game, without significant time spent on all the additional features you can 100% the game in as fast as 16 hours. But of course, there’s also the matter of the New Game+ feature. Naturally, the game is made more challenging and can potentially be tricky to handle the enemies this time around. If you’ve gotten familiar with the structure this time around, however, you can bypass enemies entirely in the dungeons and go straight to the boss, and reasonably expect to beat it again in 5 hours. Even more interestingly, if you’ve beaten the regular game already, and have a friend who’s ready to finish NG+, they can invite you into their session and potentially net you your NG+ achievement right away. The long and the short of this is that while the story is expansive and charming to explore, you can expect to take a decent weekend’s duration to beat the game to your satisfaction.
What do you think of the game so far? Do the game’s comedic timing, memorable moments, and replay value make up for the short campaign time? Be sure to check this game out if you get the chance, especially for those using Game Pass on console or PC as it’s currently free on the service as of this month. As always, check out the links below for more helpful guides like this!
Published: Jan 22, 2022 5:02 AM UTC