Amongst the list of hiccups Outriders is having since its release a day ago, the so-called “no HUD” bug is also one plaguing the community. While everything started with players all over the place not being able to even log in to the game, leaving them on the sign-in screen, things keep being frustrating with server issues, connection problems and gameplay bugs. Below we will take a look to this specific no HUD one, alongside a temporary fix, until the team patches everything up.
How to fix “no HUD” bug in Outriders
First of all, what is this no HUD issue we keep mentioning? There have been numerous reports from players that while they are playing, suddenly the entire HUD of Outriders disappears, leaving the in-game characters vulnerable. No HUD means no crosshair and many more basic features like the mini-map or your health gauge, that are needed in order to be able to function properly within the game.
Fortunately, for the time being, there is a ‘sort-of’ fix you can apply to the game to get rid of such nuisance. What you need to do, if you don’t have your HUD available, is the following:
- Open the menu and choose “Options”.
- Proceed to the HUD tab and turn OFF every single option you find in there. HUD scale doesn’t really matter, so it is advised to not mess with it.
- Close the Options tab and head back into the game.
- Then, repeat the process above but now turn everything back to ON.
- Close the Options tab once more and return to the lobby.
- Finally, click continue or choose any chapter you want, get back into the game and the HUD should be back on.
For now, this worked every time we tried it, but it is indeed rather troublesome to do every time, if this instance is happening to you a lot. Restarting the game can also do the trick sometimes, but there were times it didn’t, and it takes more time to force close and reload the game, than simply doing all of the above. In any case, this is how you can get rid of the specific hiccup for now, until People Can Flu can take a look at this bug as well. They have been active for the whole time after release, as is shown through their Twitter page where they keep everyone updated for what is going on, so it is a matter of time before everything starts stabilizing and going back to what it should be from the beginning.
Outriders is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Google Stadia. For more information about the game, make sure to check the official page right here.
Published: Apr 2, 2021 1:11 PM UTC