Rumors surfaced this weekend that suggest Infinity Ward will have a mode which has yet to be announced, called Extinction. A list of achievements that was recently outed on Exophase give plenty of hints as to what this mode will be all about. From the sounds of it, this will be a four-player cooperative mode, which some are already positioning as Infinity Ward’s answer to the Black Ops Zombies Mode.
Even more interesting is a logo that also surfaced in the leak. The image above seems to be an alien variation of the Call of Duty: Ghosts logo, suggesting that this new mode may be centered around a soldiers vs. aliens conflict. Numerous YouTube videos popped up over the weekend with speculation as to what this might entail, but since Infinity Ward has yet to announce the new mode, we’ll chalk it up to rumor at this point.
Space has already been encorporated in Call of Duty: Ghosts as we saw in the story trailer, so it doesn’t seem like a far stretch for Infinity Ward to take this and tie it into a cooperative mode like we’ve already seen Treyarch do in their past three Call of Duty titles. With Ghosts launch less than a month away, Infinity Ward doesn’t have much time to reveal the new mode, stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks.
Published: Oct 7, 2013 4:00 PM UTC