Today was the day when Tom Clancy’s The Division Update 1.4 was supposed to right a whole lot of wrongs that had been plaguing the game. It succeeded in a lot of what it aimed to do, but it seems like those fixes have not come without cost. Players on Xbox One have been reporting issues with The Division Update 1.4 throughout the day, with Ubisoft going to some extreme measures to calm things down.
According to an update on the official The Division forums, voice chat will be temporarily disabled across the Xbox One platform to help with some stuttering issues that have appeared alongside update 1.4.
“Update 1.4 went live earlier today and we’ve received a number of reports of stuttering in the Dark Zone on Xbox One,” reads the announcement. “After further investigation, we have found that the issue is linked to the in game voice chat. As a temporary solution, we are disabling the game voice chat on Xbox One only. This means that you will no longer be able to use the voice chat in game, which includes group chat and proximity voip. This shut down will not impact the native Xbox One party chat however, so you can continue to use it.”
The change has already been made, so if you are playing on Xbox One you should already notice that other players are now completely silent. This is billed as a temporary fix with Ubisoft promising that they are working on something more permanent. How long it will take is anyone’s guess at this point though.
Published: Oct 25, 2016 02:43 pm