FIFA Ultimate Team is one the best parts of EA’s Soccer franchise, but not everyone is playing by the rules. Â EA says that a minority of FIFA players who use cheats, bots, and other methods of getting virtual currency to bolster their teams will be the target of incoming crackdown on illicit activities in FIFA 15.
“Although they are a minority amongst FIFA fans, cheaters disrupt the gameplay experience and enjoyment for honest FIFA fans in a number of ways. These include things like overloading servers, phishing and compromising other player accounts, and participating in the unauthorized exchange of virtual currency. It’s time for us to draw a clear and strong line against cheaters who negatively impact the FIFA experience for our millions of players online,” reads a post on the EA Sports FIFA Blog.
So just what is EA going to be doing to curb these FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Cheats?  To combat cheaters, and more specifically, bots, EA says that anyone that use bots or bot services to automatically buy Transfer Market items will be subject to their new ban process.  This ban process includes a few different caveats.
For Coin Buying and Promoting, players will get three “cards”. Â A warning for the first offense, which includes a warning email and in-game message. Â A second offense will net a Yellow Card, which has FUT Club reset and FIFA Points returned. Â The third offense is a Red Card, and that’s a permanent FIFA Online Ban.
Now for Coin Sellers and Farming, the first offense is a Permanent Online Ban for all EA Games.
Published: Aug 22, 2014 04:32 pm