As they announced yesterday, Telltale has revealed the first trailer for the next episode in their series based on the hugely popular HBO show, titled Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series – Episode 2 ‘The Lost Lords’. This is the second of six planned episodes that will be released in the series, with no known plans beyond that for a possible second season. The game takes place in the same universe as the show, occurring between the end of season 3 and the beginning of the upcoming season 5. However, you do not play as any of the main characters from the show, instead taking control of various members and friends of House Forrester. As you switch between these characters you will make choices and experience things surrounding the events of the show, with your main goal being the preservation of House Forrester during the trying times of the War of the Five Kings.
1st Look Trailer & Release Dates for Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series Ep 2: “The Lost Lords”
Episode 2 – ‘The Lost Lords’looks to pick up after the shocking events at the end of Episode 1 – ‘Iron from Ice’. As always with Game of Thrones, no one is truly safe, and you’ll need to be smart, and play the political game of Westeros if you wish to secure your family’s future through the coming winter and for years to come. Of course, in true Game of Thrones fashion, none of this will be easy, and not everyone will make it to the end. You’ll have to make the tough decisions and live with the consequences, both to your characters and the world at large.
Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series – Episode 2 ‘The Lost Lords’ will hit PS3, PS4, PC, and Mac on February 3rd, Xbox 360 and Xbox One on February 4th, and mobile devices on February 5th.
Published: Jan 22, 2015 12:04 pm