God of War III has a ton of weapons for Kratos to unlock on his journey to take down Zeus and avenge his family. You’ll need to collect a lot of orbs if you want to not only collect the weapons but increase their levels for even more godly powers. Below you’ll find a list of all the weapons in God of War 3 as well as the required orbs needed to upgrade them and what special powers you’ll get for doing so.
Level 2 – 4000 Orbs
Increase Damage
Special: Cyclone of Chaos (L1 + Square), Cyclone of Chaos (Air)(L1+Square), Argos Ram Parry
Level 3 – 7000 Orbs
Increase Damage
Special: Valor of Hercules, Hyperion Fury (Hold Square), Athena’s Wrath, Army of Sparta Level 2 (R2)
Level 4 – 8000 Orbs
Increased Damage
Cyclone of Chaos Level 2 (L1+Tap Square) , Tartarus Rage (L1+ Triangle), Argo’s Rise (L1+Triangle)
Level 5 – 10000 Orbs
Increased Damage
Tartarus Rage Level 2 (L1 + Hold Triangle), Army of Sparta Level 3 (R2 + Tap Circle)
Bow of Apollo
Level 2 – 3000 Orbs
Increased Damage
Claws of Hades
Level 1
Cerebus Mongrel
Olympus Sentry
Olympus Archers
Level 2 – 3000 Orbs
Increased Damage
Tormenting Lash ( L1 + Square), Tormenting Lash (Air)( L1 + Square)
Level 3 – 5000 Orbs
Increased Damage
Hades Bane, Soul Summon Lv 2. (Chimera, Gorgon Serpent, and Olympian Fiend)
Level 4 – 6000 Orbs
Increased Damage
Unending Sorrow: L1 + Triangle, Unending Sorrow(Air) (L1 + Triangle)
Level 5 – 9000 Orbs
Increased Damage
Sould Summon Lv. 3 (Cyclops Berserker, Siren Seductress, and Centaur General)
Head of Helios
Level 2 – 2500 Orbs
Increased Damage
Boots of Hermes
Level 2 – 2500 Orbs
Increased Damage
Hermes Jest ( L2 + Hold X)
Nemean Cestus
Level 2 – 3000 Orbs
Increased Damage
Vicious Maul ( L1 +Square), Viscious Maul (Air) (L1 + Square)
Level 3 – 5000 Orbs
Savage Charge, Nemean Roar Lv. 2 (R2)
Level 4 – 5000 Orbs
Increased Damage
Crushing Strike (L1 + Triangle) Crushing Strike Air ( L1 + Triangle)
Level 5 – 8000 Orbs
Increased Damage
Nemean Roar Lv. 3 (R2)
Nemesis Whip
Level 2 – 3000 Orbs
Increased Damage
Severe Judgement (L1 + Square), Sever Judgement (Air), Increased Righteous Tirade (Square), Increased Righteous Ascension (Triangle)
Level 3 – 5000 Orbs
Increased Damage
Avenging Strike, Nemesis Rage Lv. 2, Increased Righteous Tirade (Square), Increased Righteous Ascension (Triangle)
Level 4 – 5000 Orbs
Increased Damage
Deadly Reprisal (L1 + Triangle) Deadly Reprisal (Air) (L1 + Triangle), Increased Righteous Tirade (Hold Square), Increased Righteous Ascension( Hold Triangle)
Level 5 – 8000 Orbs
Increased Damage
Nemesis Rage Lv. 3 (R2), Increased Righteous Tirade (Square), Increased Righteous Ascension (Triangle)
Published: Mar 13, 2010 5:36 PM UTC