The recently released Content Creator tools for GTA Online have been abruptly taken offline due to a glitch that allowed for numerous exploits, namely one that allowed users access to infinite cash for vehicles, upgrades, apartments, and clothes.
These new Infinite Cash Glitches for GTA V were tied directly to the Content Creator tools, so stopping the exploit means that Rockstar had no other choice but to disable them.
On their support site, Rockstar has made a statement concerning the new exploits. “Access to the GTA Online Creator has been temporarily disabled to stop the spread of a new exploit,” the post reads.
Rockstar has offered no further details about when the Creator Tools would be made available again. The complex glitch sounds like it could’ve been devastating to the online community for GTA Online, and possibly to Rockstar’s bottom-line, as they sell virtual cash via microtransactions in-game.
Published: Apr 21, 2014 10:26 pm