Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate players can now enjoy some free gear. Capcom recently announced the release of two free item packs that players can download up until the 31st. Along with a number of DLC, including Metroid, Mega Man, and Street Fighter content, May is shaping to be a good month for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate players.
Players can download either the Support Pack or the Advanced pack, designed for both beginners and expert players respectively. However, players are not restricted to one or the other. Players can download both packs and probably should before the end of the month.
In the support pack, players can expect to receive a number of items including honey, Mega Potions, Disposable Earplugs, and more. In the advanced pack, expect items like Dust of Life, bomb casings, and energy drinks. Check out the full list of the contents below.
MH4U Support Pack:
50x Mega Potion
50x Honey
15x Mega Dash Juice
30x Mega Nutrients
10x Max Potion
20x Lifepowder
30x Disposable Earplugs
30x Tranq Bomb
20x Barrel Bomb L+
15x Pitfall Trap
15x Shock Trap
05x Ancient Potion
MH4U Advanced Pack:
30x Bomb Casing
10x Hard Armor Sphere
10x Heavy Armor Sphere
10x Energy Drink
10x Cathangea
15x Cathangeafish Fry
15x Scatterfish
05x Portable Steam Bomb
03x Dense Marcoal
05x Dust of Life
20x Armor Stone
3000x Caravan Points
To download the items, make sure you have both a reliable Internet connection and a copy of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate with a save file with at least one hunter. You’ll also want to make sure you’ve installed Patch 1.1 into the game. Players should keep in mind that each item pack can be downloaded only once per game file. Deleting or losing save data means that you will be unable to download the item pack.
Run, don’t walk, to download these exclusive item packs before they’re gone.
Published: May 21, 2015 12:30 AM UTC