In a manner almost fitting to the title itself, a mystery individual has forged documents in an attempt to convince the US Patent and Trademark Office to abandon the trademark for Watch Dogs; something that Ubisoft knows nothing of.
Courtesy of Kotaku, the following demonstrates the termination and Ubisoft’s response –
‘Ubisoft Entertainment submits this Petition to the Director under Trademark Rule 2.146 to prevent the abandonment of Application Serial No. 85642398. A fraudulent Request for Express Abandonment was recently filed in connection with Application Serial No. 85642398.
On February 1, 2014, Ubisoft Entertainment received an email from notifying Ubisoft Entertainment that a Request for Express Abandonment had been filed in connection with Application Serial No. 85642398. The Request for Express Abandonment purports to be signed by the Chief Executive Officer of Ubisoft Entertainment, Yves Guillemot.
Mr. Guillemot, however, did not sign the Request for Express Abandonment, nor did Ubisoft Entertainment file the Request for Express Abandonment. The Request for Express Abandonment is fraudulent and was not filed by Ubisoft Entertainment or its representative’.
Beyond the bold action of forging the signature of Ubisoft main man Guillemot, it remains unclear as to why anyone would be so desperate to cause problems with this title. You can see for yourself HERE that the USPTO had no idea that Ubisoft had no hand in the abandonment. Ubisoft have stated to Game Informer “The matter has no impact on Watch Dogs’ development.” As such, gamers who have been patiently waiting for the arrival of this new brand should not worry just yet.
What do you think about this odd turn of events? Maybe you have an idea who is responsible? Leave a comment below with our thoughts!
Published: Feb 4, 2014 9:35 AM UTC