Tomorrow will put us only three weeks out from the release of Wave 5a amiibo for the Super Smash Bros. line and there are still many questions about that date. We got confirmation last week of the plans for Dark Pit, but Palutena has been a complete mystery up to now, but some interesting information has now cropped up.
Dark Pit will be exclusive to Best Buy in-store, not even holding online pre-orders as with Meta Knight and other past amiibo. With Palutena also missing from the kiosks at numerous stores, the common assumption was that she would be a retailer exclusive too. However, that may not be the case.
According to NintendoInquirer, who has been spot on with their reports in the past, Palutena will in fact not be a retailer exclusive. Most recently, they gave us details of the Meta Knight restock at Best Buy beforehand and now they have gotten this latest information from a representative of Nintendo.
This is kind of surprising from early reports, but with the official amiibo website having Palutena listed at all retailers now and no word from any retailers on her release, it makes sense. However, as always with situations like this, take it with a grain of salt until we get confirmation from Nintendo.
This is definitely good, but the question is still how hard will she be to find on July 31. With only two coming out, one would think they could have made plenty, but it wouldn’t surprise me if she was more of a Robin/Lucina situation. The representative described Palutena as a Silver Mario situation, but we don’t know if that means she will be readily available like him, or if they just meant how everyone thought it would be exclusive and the wasn’t.
It is also possible that some retailers may have restocks held back for this day, so July 31 could be a solid amiibo day, with the insane September lineup looming.
Published: Jul 9, 2015 06:08 am