Sony announced at Gamescom that their PlayStation 3 console would be $50 cheaper starting just a few days ago. Today, North American retailers have acknowledged that there has been an immediate rise in the number of units sold. Both GameStop and Target confirmed to Industry Gamers that the console has seen a rise in sales and should continue going forward as a strong value proposition for consumers.
PlayStation 3 which has made a habit of being routinely outsold in North America by the Xbox 360 for a little over a year, could be getting just what the doctor ordered when it comes to a remedy for the sluggish sales in the United States. With big exclusives on the horizon that no gamer should go without this fall, holiday 2011 could be a great year for the PlayStation brand.
Of course, Microsoft has yet to play its hand in regards to any potential price cut for the Xbox 360. Some analysts believe that Microsoft doesn’t need to cut prices of the Xbox 360 to stay competitive with the PlayStation 3 this holiday season in North America. Time will tell if the recent cut will put more PlayStations in U.S. living rooms, but early indications are that they have gotten off to a good start.
Source: Industry Gamers
Published: Aug 19, 2011 9:00 AM UTC