Sony’s Online Pass initiative that began with SOCOM 4 will again be featured in their first party title, Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception. The pass which was also featured in Resistance 3 has met some criticism from gamers since it was introduced, but in the ongoing battle against second hand sales and piracy, it appears that this is the avenue that Sony will be taking.
To access the online component of Uncharted 3, you’ll need to enter a one-time-use code, which is included with all new copies of the game. The code will grant online access to all PSN accounts that are on the PlayStation 3 console that the code is entered on.
The days of second hand game sales are quietly seeing their relevance decrease as many publishers begin to adopt these measures. While the pass is a deterrent to purchasing the game used, you still do have that option. However, if you want to take the game online, you’ll need to pony up for the online pass. Sold separately, it’ll run you $9.99 in the PlayStation Store.
Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception is currently having a widespread release of their revamped multiplayer modes via a promotion with Subway. Grab a drink from the sandwich shop, get a code to access the full online capabilities of the game a full month early.
Published: Oct 1, 2011 3:15 PM UTC