Sony has confirmed that their latest figures for PS Move sales have surpassed 10 million units worldwide. In the initial report by Game Informer, Sony confirmed that it has shipped 10.6 million PS Move units to its retailers and that the company believes that the PlayStation Move launch has been a successful one.
Since launch, Sony has seen a number of titles that use the motion controlling device. Killzone 3, Heavy Rain and other big Sony titles have utilized the controller well enough to convince those that have tried it, that it’s a great gameplay enhancement device.
However, Sony and Microsoft did launch the Kinect and Move at roughly the same time with a two month advantage to Sony. In that same time period Microsoft has claimed 18 million units for the controller-free Kinect camera technology.
Neither has focused on the gamers that do the majority of play on either console with the two new peripherals. While Microsoft has made loose attempts to incorporate the device into its core titles like Forza 4 and Mass Effect 3, the PS Move seemed to be a better fit for these traditional gaming experiences.
Sony does have one more ace up their sleeve for the PlayStation Move, the long awaited Sorcery title is due to hit consoles in May.
Published: Mar 8, 2012 2:30 PM UTC