If video game collecting is your thing then you may want to consider bidding on the worlds largest video game collection. Michael Thomasson is handing the torch to someone else and is selling his entire video game collection, the very collection that holds a record from Guinness Book of World Records. Though, the chances for this collection going for cheap is slim to none.
Michael Thomasson currently holds the world record of the largest video game collection of all time. This is no small collection with over 11,000 titles and consoles ranging through the common systems to rare gems. It’s no mystery why the collection is going up for bids however. Michael explains that he and his family are in need and it’s time to sell his collection to help his family out. Although, this doesn’t mean his game collecting habit is gone. Michael admits that he has in the past sold his collection and has picked back up. This collection just happens to be the biggest earning the world record.
Currently, the auction is being held at Game Gavel where the current bid is at $50,000. This is a pretty massive chunk of change but according to Michael Thomasson, this auction has a ways to go. Apparently, the collection is worth around $800,000 so if you’re looking to join in on the bidding, you best have a ton of cash at hand. The auction closes on Jun 15, 2014 so there’s still time to plot out the room/house to fill to place this massive collection.
Published: Jun 6, 2014 10:38 pm