Is the Xbox One better value for your money than Sony’s PlayStation 4? Microsoft certainly think so, and they’ve explained why they think so to Gamespot at PAX.
We’re going to have a better system.
The words come from Albert Penello, Senior Director of Product Planning and Management for Xbox, who lists Kinect, games and Xbox Live among the reason why the Xbox One is worth the extra money; “I think we do more. I think our games are better. I think as people start to experience Kinect… I think that’s better.”
These weren’t the only reasons why Penello thinks the Xbox One is worth $100 more than the PS4, “I think the ability to have an all-in-one system where you can plug in the TV, that’s better. I think we’ll have a better online service. I just believe that we’re going to have a better system.” He went on to say that being $499 instead of $399 won’t make too much of a difference this holiday, predicting that the extra $100 doesn’t really matter.
This news follows the rumor of a PS4 bundle costing the same amount as the Xbox One. The bundle in question appeared of Amazon France, costing €499 and including Killzone: Shadow Fall, the PlayStation 4 Camera and a second Dual Shock 4 controller. This begs the question that if an Xbox One preorder costs €499 and includes FIFA 14 and Kinect 2.0, then is there much difference in value for money between the consoles?
The PS4 bundle includes a second controller, but the Kinect 2.0 is more advanced and costs more to make than the PS4 Camera, so there’s little difference in price between the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. This narrows the price gap, leaving the difference purely up to the values of the consoles. Albert Penello certainly believes the Xbox One is worth more, but what do you think?
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Published: Aug 31, 2013 10:47 am