Microsoft has stated that you no longer need to have Kinect 2.0 plugged in to have the Xbox One function. They have also reversed policy on having the Xbox One do an internet check every 24 hours. However, that also doesn’t mean that Microsoft still doesn’t have means to provide information for ads, if Yusef Mehdi’s comments during the Association of National Advertisters’ Masters of Marketing Conference, in Phoenix mean anything. Or Advertising Age, a publication, saying, “Xbox One can essentially work like TV that watches you, bringing marketers a huge new trove of data.”
Mehdi, at the conference, was quoted as saying, “It could have a big impact on pricing. If even a fraction of likely Xbox One users could be persuaded to share data, the technology could create the world’s largest panel for measuring biometric responses to advertising.”  He also added, “It’s [in its] early days, but we’re starting to put that together in more of a unifying way, and hopefully at some point we can start to offer that to advertisers broadly.” He described this as “a holy grail in terms of how you understand the consumer in that 360 degrees of their life.”
This of course comes after the knowledge that the Kinect can notice if people are watching the screen or not, read skeletons and even heart rate. Some people went even so far as to think that Microsoft would tier movie rentals based on how many people were in the living room at one time.
Published: Oct 7, 2013 01:00 am