For months, Cliffy-B and Epic Games have promised that Gears 3 would be the most polished and balanced installment of the beloved TPS series. Today, the studio released a teaser for the new campaign and although there was unfortunately no actual gameplay footage, the short trailer assures us that there will be no shortage of action-packed goodness.
Though there’s not a whole lot we can ascertain, the trailer does feature a digital S.O.S. from the mysterious Adam Fenix, Marcus’ father. Clearly, he’ll play a big role in Gears 3 and assuming that a successful rendezvous occurs between father and son, he’ll most likely have a master plan for dealing with the Locust threat.
The trailer can be seen below, Â and if gigantic, mammoth sized boss battles aren’t enough to whet your appetite for September, then enjoy the bad-ass riffs of Black Sabbath’s “War Pigs” while you picture yourself mercilessly curb stomping some Locust scum. Nice touch Epic, nice touch.
Gears of War 3 drops everywhere on September 20.
Published: May 28, 2011 10:33 pm