• Added new NPCs (Match Coordinator, Team Match Coordinator) which will facilitate users to join a team/an online battle.
  • Added 7 new preset background musics, playable in Conton City.
  • Added 98 new titles for DLC 1 teacher’s quests and online events.
  • Added a search feature to find Online Expert Mission rooms to the Online Parallel Quest receptions.
  • 5 new teacher have been added: Whis, Cooler Final Form, Android 16, Bardock and Future Gohan. They will unlock for free or through the VIP Corner on December 20th.
  • Tweaked the battle balance so that an Aura Burst Dash does not get triggered when pressing the square button immediately after a vanishing step. When pressing the square button right after a vanishing step, a vanishing step + weak attack will be triggered.
  • Dual Masenko has been nerfed
  • Fixed a save data corruption bug.
  • Fixed a bug where Metal Cooler goes beyond the collision wall when a user knocks the Gigantic Ki Blast back in the Expert Mission “The Big Gete Star Strikes Back”
  • Fixed a bug where a user gets stuck until the timer expires if Goku gets defeated immediately after he intrudes into the stage in the Parallel Quest “Super Saiyan Legend”.
  • Fixed a bug when a user selects Omega Shenron as a playable character and performs Aura Burst Dash against an opponent near the ceiling, the user would not be able to nail any attacks on the opponent.
  • Fixed a bug where an Aura Burst Dash did not get activated correctly in Online Battle.
  • Fixed a bug when repelled Giant Ki Blasts would not damage the opponent in Expert Missions and Raid Quests
  • Fixed an application error where players would get stuck after a Raid Boss use Scatter Attack.

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 the game itself is out now for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Make sure you update your game as soon as possible in order to see the aforementioned changes.