A new listing on the IMDB database points to a new Fallout game in 2017, called Fallout: Shadows of Boston. REDDIT USERS recently discovered the listing, and have gotten the Fallout 4 rumor mill churning yet again.
You can find the listing at IMDB, and it contains some interesting information. This includes some familiar and new voice actors as the cast of Fallout: Shadows of Boston. The bad news is, the listing puts the game out in 2017, making Bethesda Game Studios’ next RPG in the very distant future.
It’s certainly worth noting, there have been quite a few hoaxes revolving around Fallout 4 in recent months. And as one Redditor points out, anyone can post to IMDB, with newly listed projects on database only available for pro members to see.
But, if even remotely true it would align with what Pete Hines of Bethesda recently said about BGS’ next game, when he told fans they wouldn’t be talking about it for a long time.
Published: Feb 7, 2014 2:00 AM UTC