Level-5 has just announced an anime adaptation of the adventures of Katrielle Layton, the daughter of the famous detective Hershel Layton, and who has taken over the Layton franchise since the latest videogame, Layton’s Mystery Journey. The show will be called ‘Layton Mystery Detective Agency: Kat’s Mystery-Solving Files,’ and it will focus on the adventures of Katrielle running her investigation agency in London, although the synopsis mentions the disappearance of her father as a long-running arc for the series.
The creative stuff of the project includes Akihiro Hino as the creative director, animation by Liden Films (The Heroic Legend of Arslan), Susumu Mitsunaka as supervisor, original drafts of character design by Takuzou Nagano, and character design by Utako Takada. The main character will be voiced by Japanese actress Kana Hanazawa, while she was voiced by Kasumi Arimura on the latest videogame.
Here is the official synopsis of the series: “Any mystery solved, that is the motto of the Layton Detective Agency. Professor Layton’s daughter, Katrielle Layton, runs the Layton Detective Agency together with the talking dog Sherl and her assistant Ernest Greeves, and solves the mysterious cases that occur each day in London. Originally, Katrielle started this work with the goal of finding her father, Hershel Layton, who suddenly disappeared, but her mystery-solving gradually became a hot topic due to its unexpected concept, leading various requests to come flying in.”
Layton Mystery Detective Agency: Kat’s Mystery-Solving Files will premiere in Japan in 2018. For more information visit the official Japanese website.
Published: Dec 30, 2017 12:08 pm