Forspoken, the brand new IP from Square Enix and Luminous Productions, has been delayed. This news comes from the official Forspoken Twitter account without much context. This delay counts as the second time Forspoken’s release date has been pushed back. Forspoken was originally supposed to release on May 24, 2022, which would mean that we could’ve already played it by now.
The new release date for Forspoken is January 24, 2023. Though the announcement doesn’t give a clear reason as to why Forspoken is getting a delay, we can assume that it is because of developmental concerns. Most often, games are delayed to ensure quality. Games can be delayed for a number of reasons, but it all comes down to creating the best game possible.
It is always bitter-sweet when games are delayed. On one hand, you want to play the game as soon as possible, but on the other, you want to play the best version of the game, the version that isn’t riddled with bugs and problems. Of course, the worst outcome is when a game is delayed multiple times and is still broken when it comes out (I’m looking at you Cyberpunk 2077).
Hopefully, when Forspoken is ready to launch, it is a great game. We are definitely looking forward to playing it here at Attack of the Fanboy and hope that you can patiently await the arrival of Forspoken too. Fortunately, we did receive the release date for God of War: Ragnarok today with pre-order information and details on its numerous different editions. While it is a blow for us all that Forspoken is delayed, we can more assuredly rely on God of War: Ragnarok sticking to its release date.
For all Forspoken news and updates, be sure to check out our Forspoken guides page. We’ll update it with more news and guides as more information becomes available.
Forspoken has been delayed to January 24, 2023.
Published: Jul 6, 2022 03:29 pm