To earn reputation with the Winterpelt Furbolgs in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, you’ll need to learn their complex language. With no subscription to Rosetta Stone, you’ll need to instead gather Liberated Furbolg Artifacts to exchange for language lessons from Sonova Snowden.
This guide details the fastest way to obtain the Liberated Furbolg Artifacts and become exalted with the Winterpelt Furbolg in just an hour. You’ll even earn some nifty Trinkets and Toys along the way.
How to Become Exalted with the Winterpelt Furbolgs
You can obtain Liberated Furbolg Artifacts from the bodies of Primalists you’ve killed in The Azure Span. Every five Artifacts you hand into Sonova Snowden at the Furbolg camp will increase your proficiency in the Furbolg language by one point.
As you progress in your language learning journey, you’ll unlock short questlines that reward a whole level of reputation upon completion. You’ll earn rewards as you complete these quests and unlock a vendor that sells exclusive items when you’ve become Exalted.
To become Exalted with the Winterpelt Furbolg, you must max out the Furbolg language. This takes 100 skill points in the Furbolg language, meaning you’ll need 500 Liberated Furbolg Artifacts to become fluent.
Fastest Way to Farm Liberated Furbolg Artifacts in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight
The fastest way to farm Liberated Furbolg Artifacts in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is to kill Ritual Scouts in the Vakthros Summit area in The Azure Span. For TomTom users, the coordinates are /way #2024 78 38 Vakthros Summit.
Ritual Scouts drop a significant number of Liberated Furbolg Artifacts per kill, as well as Intact Scribe Sticks, which can be handed in for a language skill point.
We recommend joining or starting a group using the in-game Premade Groups tool (J), as these enemies are Elite and harder to kill than normal mobs. You’ll also be able to pull en masse and farm much more efficiently with a full group.
Related: All Forbidden Reach Dragon Glyph Locations in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight
Where to Hand in Liberated Furbolg Artifacts in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight

Hand your Liberated Furbolg Artifacts and Intact Scribe Sticks to Sonova Snowden, located in the Furbolg camp above Theron’s Watch Flight Point. For TomTom users, that’s /way #2024 66, 12 Sonova Snowden.
Once you’ve maxed out the Furbolg language, Sonova will no longer accept your Artifacts, and you can vendor them for some light change.
Winterpelt Furbolg Rewards
There are four unique rewards you’ll receive during the Winterpelt Furbolg questline, and various items purchasable from Kazzi that require different reputation levels to buy — including a new Battle Pet, ways to customize your dragon, and even a Toy that turns you into a Furbolg.
You’ll also be able to understand and speak Furbolg. Players that don’t speak Furbolg will only see nonsensical symbols when you’re speaking. That’s no excuse to talk smack though; you never know who speaks Furbolg.
Reward | Type | Description | Requirement |
Winterpelt Token | Trinket | 392 Item Level Trinket that allows the player to place down a totem that has the chance to cause Nature damage. | Friendly (Quest Reward) |
Reading Glasses | Toy | Gives your character reading glasses and makes the screen blurry. | Honored (Quest Reward) |
Defender of the Winterpelt | Trinket | 395 Item Level Trinket that has the chance to summon a Furbolg ally for 30 seconds. | Revered (Quest Reward) |
Primal Stave of Claw and Fur | Toy | Transforms you into a Winterpelt Furbolg for 5 minutes. | Exalted (Quest Reward) |
Winterpelt Mending Totem | One-Hand Mace | 392 Item Level Versatility/Mastery Intellect. Unique on-use effect that “bonks” a target, stunning and healing them. | Honored |
Winter Pelt Cloak | Cosmetic Back | Transmog back item. | Honored |
Renewed Proto-Drake: Stubby Snout | Drakewatcher Manuscript | Renewed Proto-Drake customization. | Honored |
Windborne Velocidrake: Exposed Finned Back | Drakewatcher Manuscript | Windborne Velocridrake customization. | Honored |
Highland Drake: Sleek Horns | Drakewatcher Manuscript | Highland Drake customization. | Honored |
Cliffside Wylderdrake: Plated Nose | Drakewatcher Manuscript | Cliffside Wylderdrake customization. | Honored |
Pattern: Paw-Made Winterpelt Reagent Bag | Recipe | Tailoring recipe for a 34-slot Reagent Bag. | Revered |
Hollowed Winterpelt Food Pack | Back Cosmetic | Unique modeled back transmog. | Revered |
Recipe: Firewater Sorbet | Recipe | Cooking recipe that produces Firewater Sorbet | Revered |
Renewed Proto-Drake: Malevolent Horns | Drakewatcher Manuscript | Renewed Proto-Drake customization. | Revered |
Windborne Velocidrake: Spiked Neck | Drakewatcher Manuscript | Windborne Velocidrake customization. | Revered |
Highland Drake: Horned Chin | Drakewatcher Manuscript | Highland Drake customization. | Revered |
Cliffside Wylderdrake: Spiked Horns | Drakewatcher Manuscript | Cliffside Wylderdrake customization. | Revered |
Dritfling | Pet | Ice elemental pet. | Exalted |
Once you’ve perfected your new language, don’t forget to collect all Dragon Glyphs in the Forbidden Reach to learn new Dragonriding Abilities. The new Orc Heritage Armor is also available to earn through a beautifully crafted questline involving some familiar and unexpected faces.
Published: Mar 23, 2023 11:29 PM UTC