Are you wondering how to get Bronzor fragments in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet? You can collect Bronzor fragments just like you collect Gimmighoul coins. First, you need to know where to find them. Then, once you have a certain amount of Bronzor fragments, you can turn them into an NPC for a nice surprise. Here is everything you need to know about how you can get Bronzor Fragments in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
How Do You Get Bronzor Fragments in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet?

You can collect Bronzor fragments in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet by finding Bronzor in their natural habitat and defeating them in battle or catching them. Like many other Pokémon in the Paldea region, you will find them in the ruins of various provinces. Here are all of the provinces you can find Bronzor fragments:
- Asado Desert
- East Province: Area One
- South Province: Area Two
- South Province: Area Three
- South Province: Area Four
The two best locations we have found Bronzor fragments are the Asado Desert and South Province, Area Three. South Province, Area Three, can be accessed after you finish the tutorial by leaving Mesogoza through the East Gate. A decent-sized group of Bronzor is grouped in ruins near where Titan Klawf is found. You can gather the Bronzor fragments, leave the area, and return to farm them again.
Why do I Need Bronzor Fragments?

An NPC in Zapapico will trade you 10 Bronzor Fragments for an Auspicious Armor, which allows you to evolve your Carcadet into Armarouge. It will take a bit to reach this point because you need to unlock Swim for your mount to reach Zapapico. Keep collecting Bronzor Fragments, so you have 10 when you reach this point in the game.
Why Can’t I Find Bronzor Fragments?
Bronzor fragments are limited to those playing Pokémon Scarlet or who bought the double pack containing both game versions. This is because Bronzor Fragments are used to evolve your Charcadet into the Pokémon Scarlet exclusive Armarouge. If you only purchased Pokémon Violet, you will be looking for Sinistea Chips to evolve Charcadet into Cerledge.
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are available now on Nintendo Switch.
Published: Nov 21, 2022 04:10 pm