Using a bow and arrow or crossbow in Elden Ring can sometimes be a little tricky to understand for new players figuring out the mechanics for the first time. However, it’s important to know the controls for these weapons as they have the ability to aim and zoom for precision shots.
In this guide we’re going to explain how to aim and zoom with bows and crossbows in Elden Ring.
The Basics of Bows and Crossbows in Elden Ring
In order to use a bow or crossbow in Elden Ring you’ll need to have one equipped, obviously. This can be in your left or right hand as your primary or secondary item. If you are using a bow you will not be able to use any of your secondary weapons like shields in-between your attacks, however, with the crossbow, shields are a bit easier to use.
While it may be obvious to some players, for either of these items you need to also have bolts, arrows, or great arrows equipped so that you have something to shoot.
Assuming that you’ve got all this down: You can shoot the bow, great bow, or crossbow just like you’re using any other weapon. You can either manually aim a shot or you can lock on to the target and the shot will track the target automatically.
How To Aim With the Bow & Crossbow
To properly aim using base PC controls:
Press and hold E and right click to two hand, then hold right click to aim.
To properly aim using a controller:
PS4/5: Press and hold “triangle” to two hand and then use L1 to aim.
Xbox Controller: Press and hold Y and use the right bumper to two hand, then use your left bumper to aim.
Once you bring up the crosshair, you can line-up your shots to take down enemies or shoot down hidden items.
That’s all you need to know about aiming bows and crossbows in Elden Ring. For more tips on the game, check out our Elden Ring Guides section.
Published: Jul 26, 2024 5:31 PM UTC