If you’ve been playing Pokemon GO for a good period, you’ll remember when the newest Legendary Pokemon Meltan was introduced into the game, with a unique way to get your hands on one. If you haven’t gotten a Mystery Box inside of Pokemon GO, we’ve got a great guide on how to make that happen, so make sure that you’ve gotten one!
You’ll also be happy to hear that not only is the Mystery Box useful again, but you’ll also be able to get your hands on a Shiny Meltan during the newest TCG Event that is going on right now in Pokemon GO! Let’s get into the details, and see what we’ll need to do to get our hands on one of these excellent Steel Pokemon!
Shiny Meltan in Pokemon GO
If you’re looking to get your hands on a Shiny Meltan, it should be easier than ever. Since Meltan is a limited-time-only shiny, with random dates being announced by Niantic, you’ll also have the chance to get one during an event, which works well in your favor, since the odds of getting a shiny Pokemon are greatly increased. You’ll want to make sure that once you open the Mystery Box, you focus only on getting your hands on as many Meltan as you possibly can since it also requires around 400 Candies to evolve one into their final form.
The odds to get your hands on a shiny Meltan are 1 in 125, which is great compared to the normal 1 in 512 odds that you have to find a shiny Pokemon. There is unfortunately no sure-fire way to get your hands on a shiny, but using items like lures and incense can help you, as you’ll usually find more Pokemon in your area. Even if you don’t get a shiny, like you can with Lunatone and Solrock, and the newest event Pikachu, you may still catch quite a few to get them to evolve! Make sure that you’re also ready for the newest Spotlight Hour event, and find out how to make your Buddy Pokemon the happiest they’ve ever been!
Pokemon GO is available now on mobile devices.
Published: Jun 18, 2022 7:03 PM UTC