Pokémon Scarlet and Violet players may want to give their character a makeover from time to time, especially so with their hairstyle. The process of changing hairstyles can take a bit to get used to if you’re not too sure of where exactly to go in the world for buying new hairstyles. Some are more focused on learning when they can trade in the game but at the same time, it’s important to know how to take advantage of the customization features. This article will take you through how to change your hairstyle in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
Changing Hairstyles in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
In order to change your hairstyle you will have to visit one of the salons in Levincia, Mesagoza, or Cascarrafa. Along with that, make sure you have 3000 Pokédollars with you to actually utilize the salon’s functionality of changing your hairstyle. If you have a backup amount of Pokédollars with you then you will have no issue changing your hair as much as you’d like.

When you are at the front desk you can get into the hairstyle menu and begin to select the hairstyle that you are looking for. However, in the hair styling menu, you can also scroll over to the hair color menu by pressing right on the d-pad to select a different color if you would so desire to do that.
How Many Hairstyles Are There in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet?
There are twenty-five hairstyles in total that you will be able to equip your character with during your time with Scarlet and Violet. This means that you should always be able to find a hairstyle that suits your particular character while playing through the game.
Many players have been rushing around and learning where to buy clothes from in the experience and this is a similar happening with the hairstyles. People enjoy getting the ability to have personal choices when it comes to designing a look for their character and it is a joy that we get to do so.
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are available right now for the Nintendo Switch.
Published: Nov 18, 2022 02:04 pm