If you’re looking to take to the ice with your favorite mascot in NHL 23, you’ll be happy to know that you can partake in some arcade action with some of your favorite creatures. Being able to get in the rink with your favorite players is one thing, but upping the ante with a big cloth monster is another.
But, if you’re looking to play a regular division game with them, you’re out of luck. They’re locked to a specific game mode, and unless you’re searching in the right spot, you may miss them. Let’s get into the details and find out how you’ll be able to play with your favorite mascots in NHL 23!
Playing Ones NOW With A Mascot In NHL 23
There are a few different ways that you’ll be able to play with your favorite Mascot, and while Ones NOW only has a few to choose from, they’re easy to spot. As you make your way through the list of available players, you’re going to want to make your way toward the bottom of the list. While Gnash is the only available mascot to choose from at first, as you continue to play you’ll unlock more options.
However, their general skills are a fair bit lower than the regular human players, so make sure that you’re comfortable with your skill level before trying to win against them. It’s a very entertaining time no matter how you look at it, so if you aren’t afraid to possibly lose the game, you’ll have a blast while doing it.
How To Play Threes NOW With Mascots In NHL 23
When you’re starting a game of Threes, however, you’ll be able to select from a fair number of mascots that you’ll be able to play as. Starting with a hefty roster on either the Western or Eastern Conference, you’ll be able to take to the ice for a fast-paced round of hockey against your favorite or least favorite characters. Make sure that you take advantage of the Money Puck while you can!
As you continue through your Threes games, you’ll have the chance to unlock more characters, including Gritty. For those ready to hit the ice with their favorite orange monstrosity, you’ll be able to unlock just about any mascot you can think of to bring the pain to the opposing team.
Make sure that you’re ready to hit the ice when NHL 23 comes zooming your way by checking into our helpful Guide Section for the game. You’ll be able to find out who the strongest players are, the fastest wingers, and the best overall goalies in the game happen to be so you know who to keep your eyes out for!
NHL 23 is available now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One.
Published: Oct 14, 2022 3:30 PM UTC