With the start of the Lunar New Year, it seems that Pokemon GO fans have a new event to look forward to once again. It seems that Darumaka will be quite the focus during the Lunar New Year 2023 Event, but there is plenty to look forward to when it comes to the excitement of this particular tale.
Alongside Darumaka, let’s find out what other Pokemon will be our main focus, alongside any other bonuses that players can get their hands on. Alongside the schedule, what Pokemon will be our primary target in the Raid Circuit, and what other details help push this to new levels? Let’s find out below!
Pokemon GO: Lunar New Year 2023 Schedule & Bonuses
For gamers hoping to partake in this event, they’ll want to ensure that they’ve cleared time in their schedule from January 19 at 10:00am until January 23 at 8:00pm Local Time. While there is plenty of time available for gamers to enjoy this event, players that clear more time will have more chances than ever to claim plenty of amazing Pokemon in the game.
For those hoping to claim some stellar bonuses, this could be the event you’ve been waiting for. Alongside plenty of exciting Pokemon to find in the world, there are a fair number of bonuses available to players, including:
- Increased odds of finding Shiny Darumaka
- Increased chance of receiving Lucky Pokemon in Trades
- Increased chance of becoming Lucky Friends with a Trade Partner
- x2 Stardust from Gifts
- Additional Special Trade
Players will also have the chance to claim a special bonus of their choosing, which includes:
- x2 Daily Adventure Incense Duration Time
- x2 Stardust for Catching Pokemon
- 1/2 Hatch Distance during the Event for Pokemon placed in Incubators
It seems that there really is a bonus for everyone during this event, so players of all skill levels and all kinda can enjoy this particular event without needing to worry about their chances to excel.
Pokemon GO: Lunar New Year Spawns & Debuts
Trainers hoping to get their hands on plenty of new Pokemon will have an excellent opportunity to do just that during this event, especially for those hoping to gather plenty of Shiny Pokemon. During this event, the majority of Pokemon found in the wild will also have the chance to be this rare variant, including:
- Ponyta
- Magmar
- Magikarp
- Slugma
- Numel
- Combee
- Buneary
- Fennekin
- Bunnelby
- Flareon
- Darumaka
Sadly, there are no new debuts that players can look forward to during this event. While that may be a shame for those that already have plenty of captured Pokemon, hunting for Shiny Pokemon is quite exciting, and plenty of monsters will be in the wild to finally capture a few.
Raid Battles During Lunar New Year 2023 in Pokemon GO
For those that are hoping to take part in a few battles during this event, there are quite a few Pokemon ready to rumble in the Raid Circuit, so make sure to create the ultimate team to take any of these monsters down.
1-Star Raids in Pokemon GO
- Hisuian Voltorb
- Shinx
- Darumaka
- Galarian Darumaka
3-Star Raids in Pokemon GO
- Flareon
- Shuckle
- Blaziken
- Druddigon
- Diggersby
5-Star Raids in Pokemon GO
- Regice
Mega Raids in Pokemon GO
- Mega Lopunny
Hatchable Pokemon During Lunar New Year 2023 In Pokemon GO
For those that are hoping to take advantage of a particular bonus, or even just get into the wild to see something new, there are plenty of Pokemon to hatch during the Lunar New Year event, especially for those that are hoarding plenty of 7km Eggs. These Pokemon include:
- Chingling
- Riolu
- Darumaka
- Galarian Darumaka
- Scraggy
Avatar Items & Lucky Eggs During Pokemon GO Lunar New Year 2023

Those hoping to celebrate in style can purchase the Red Lantern Backpack, which will only be available during the event for a short period afterward. While it may not be as flashy as some of the items available during previous events, it’s still a great accessory for those hoping to celebrate the Lunar New Year!
Players will also have the chance to partake in Timed Research which will give them a chance to earn a Lucky Egg with one of the following Pokemon inside:
- Magikarp
- Azumarill
- Combusken
- Darumaka
- Galarian Darumaka
- Bunnelby
Gamers will want to make sure that they’ve cleared as much Inventory Space as possible before this event starts, as well as make sure to get some of the best accessories available for Pokemon GO. Alongside plenty of chances to get Shiny Pokemon during this event, it’s a great chance to get together with friends to battle some powerful Pokemon, as well!
Pokemon GO is available now on Mobile Devices.
Published: Jan 17, 2023 9:59 PM UTC