A lot of placeholder dates have been floating around for Fallout 4. Gamestop Italy however may have finally revealed the real deal.
As reported earlier, a lot of online retailers have pegged a vague 2015 release date for Fallout 4. This new listing from Gamestop Italy may have shown the actual date.
First sighted by TMag, Gamestop Italy pegs an October 23rd, 2015 release date for Fallout 4. This date falls on a Friday and this is the day video games usually come out in European countries.
If this listing is true, this means the North American release date for Fallout 4 could be October 20th, 2015. The first trailer showed a lot of the game, so a 2015 release date isn’t out of the question. Bethesda has been working on it for years, and managed to somewhat keep it a secret for so long.
Gamestop Italy has a favorable track record on release dates. The site guessed that Rainbow Six: Siege will be out on October 16th, 2015. This is also a Friday. Although Ubisoft opted to release the game simultaneously so the release date is now October 13th, 2015 everywhere. The retailer was pretty much accurate apart from the late decision to release it simultaneously.
It’s likely Bethesda won’t reveal a release date for Fallout 4 until E3 2015. This October release date sounds like the most accurate one so far.
Published: Jun 4, 2015 05:54 am