NBA 2K15 has only been out for a couple of days, but players are understandably upset as the game has launched with a myriad of issues. The most concerning of which are the server issues that many of its players are having.
While 2K Forums, Twitter, and other social media outlets are overrun with complaints from purchasers of the annual hoops franchise, 2K says they are working on solutions for the online issues that are preventing people from accessing major aspects of the game.
2K Community Manager, Ronnie Singh, says that devs are currently working on fixes that should improve the quality of the game.
“Late Night Update: Dev continues to work around the clock on online. Expecting significant improvement after changes finalized,” reads the recent announcement.
It’s unclear just what aspects of the game will be impacted by the work, but NBA 2K players are currently complaining about a number of areas of the game, these include problems connecting to My Player, My Team, and other popular modes.
Published: Oct 9, 2014 07:57 am