Most of Pokémon GO‘s Field Research Breakthrough rewards have been Legendary Pokémon, namely Moltres, Zapdos and Articuno. However, July saw a break from Legendaries and instead the game offered Snorlax, a strong but non-Legendary Pokémon, as a Research Breakthrough reward. But soon players will be able to get back to obtaining Legendaries for completing Research.
It was recently announced via social media that the Legendary Electric-type Pokémon from the Johto region, Raikou, will be the reward for collecting seven Research Stamps in August. Like with past Legendaries that have been Research Breakthrough rewards, this will mark the first time that players will be able to catch Raikou outside of Raid Battles. Additionally, Field Research in August will have more of a focus on Electric-types in general.
Raikou’s inclusion as a Research Breakthrough reward next month means that we can probably expect Entei and Suicine to become attainable through Research Breakthroughs in the following months. Interestingly, Pokémon GO seems to have skipped over including Mewtwo as a reward for Research Breakthroughs and gone straight to the Johto Legendaries, meaning the Kanto Legendary is still only attainable through EX Raid Battles. Meanwhile, players are still able to fight and catch the Legendary Registeel through Raid Battles until August 16.
Published: Jul 26, 2018 03:56 pm