Sony Online Entertainment has been putting out fires on social media with H1Z1 for the last twenty four hours. When the game launched into early access on Steam yesterday, users were hit with login issues, and potential pay to win gameplay mechanics.
A post by John Smedley addressed to the H1Z1 community on Reddit reveals that SOE will offer refunds for the game directly. The actual refund will not be coming from Valve, but SOE themselves.
Here’s what Smedley had to say:
“Hi folks,
If you feel like the airdrops are an issue for you, you may immediately request a refund to [email protected] — this offer applies till Monday and it applies only to people that have purchased the game as of 10:30 am Pacific today 1/16/2015.
Please note that this is going through us, not Steam. Which means it’s a little more work so please be patient with the actual refund (it may take a day or two). ”
H1Z1 is currently available on Steam in a couple of Early Access varieties. You can get a standard edition for $19.99, or a Premium Early Access Bundle for $39.99.
Published: Jan 16, 2015 01:14 pm