Valve recently confirmed that the teaser image of Half Life 2 Episode 3 that took the interweb by storm last week is indeed “Fake”. A leaflet was circulated with a very simple depiction of the Half Life logo and and the shadow of face with a date that led to rumors of a possible Half Life 2 Episode 3 announcement at E3. Valve got the ball rolling on this rumor with an email sent out to press about the cancellation of the Portal 2 event with a surprise to take it’s place. Valve head Gabe Newell sent a fan-site a private message putting these rumors to bed.
“it isn’t Ep 3” and in response to the black leaflet with silhouette “Fake”. – Gabe Newell
Sure, sure it’s possible that its all an elaborate scheme, but on the brightside Valve fans still have a “surprise” to look forward to. Now if you don’t mind we’re gonna go cry ourselves back to sleep.
Published: Jun 7, 2010 11:36 AM UTC